Monday, May 09, 2005

No more emotional rollercoaster!

I feel like my teacher (Sr. Johnelle) is toying with me! Her secretary (Mona) calls me this morning and tells me I should call her (Sr. Johnelle). I'm assuming it's concerning the information I left her about the possibility of the Washington Semester (mentioned in my last post). I had left her a brochure and then emailed her more information. Well, she did in fact want to talk to me about it, but to tell me that she thought it would not be in my best interest because American University does not have an accredited program and I really can't afford to miss the senior social work classes at Salve. She said it will set me back, in terms of graduating on time, and because it's not accredited I would not be able to go into a Master's program with advanced standing. That is, of course, assuming I want to get an MSW (Master of Social Work). Personally, I'm really leaning towards environmental studies anyway. But anyway, needless to say, I was really disappointed and upset that I was told I couldn't do it because I had really gotten my hopes up and gotten excited about it. It was practically all I could do to not cry while I was still on the phone with her.

I called Mike and my Mom (but my uncle was visiting) so my Dad called me back and we talked about having a balance between optimism and reality and how much it sucks to be an adult. Of course, my poor Dad is a little biased at the moment because he's been laid off for a few months now. We talked about how much we hate money and that only the lucky few really end up doing what they want to do because one way or another life gets in the way. How's that for depressing? God, he even told me about a poster he saw that was supposed to be like one of those cheesy posters people hang in offices with words like "leadership" or "courage" and a picture of a bald eagle or something. Well, this one he saw was kind of like a negative take on that, meant to be a joke. It sounds just awful, though, if you ask me. On the poster is a box of fries and underneath it said "We can't all be astronauts." How depressing!!

But yeah, this whole things turns out to be an evil emotional roller coaster because after I hang up the phone with my Dad I check my email. Sr. Johnelle replied to the email I sent her saying that she had not received the email before we talked on the phone. She thought the program sounded interesting and she said she will look into it and see if we can come up with some sort of a compromise so I can do it. She said she couldn't make any promises because I have to follow the standards of the CSWE (Council Social Work Education), but it might be a possibility. At this point I don't want to get my hopes up, but I am keeping my fingers crossed.


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