Thursday, May 11, 2006

In the words of Jackson Browne...

All good things gotta come to an end. And in the words of my mom, if you don't know what I'm talking about, look it up. So yeah. I'm done with undergrad. Niiiice. :) It's a good feeling. A couple of people I know are really sad. No offense to anyone, but that makes me want to laugh. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm older and it's not a big deal. Or maybe I just didn't make that many close friends out here? That's always a possibility. I think I can just deal with it better. Endings are kind of a testimony to who your close friends are anyway. If they are close, you'll keep in touch; if not, well, there's always reunions? So yeah, I'm not too torn up about it. There are people I will miss of course, but I'm ready to move on.

I'm actually very happy it's done because I've pulled out ye old knitting needles again. I'm just about finished with the back of a short sleeve cardigan sweater. Hopefully I'll get it done within the week because I'm excited to start wearing it.

The one thing I'm not looking (completely) forward to is moving back to Michigan. And I know my family reads this and it's actually nothing to do with any of you, that's the good part. It's getting a job and being apart from Mike for the summer. That's never fun. I do have a lead on a job, though, but I don't want to go on about it until I know for sure. Right now the ball's in my court and I need to make a phone call about it tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed y'all. :)

Well kids, that's all for now.

Happy Trails...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that must feel so great... Better than graduating high school ^_^ Can't wait for that, though....

I hope being home isn't too crappy for you :( I know I'd go insane if I couldn't spend the summer with Aaron u_u\

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally hear you on leaving Mike for the summer. My schmookems left this morning for a whole summer away and because of the hours he's working and I'm working, we won't even get to talk but once a week. :(

But on a happier note... congrats on graduation! (And I'll see you there :))

5:32 PM  

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