Super quick one...I promise!!
My life has officially been consumed by two things:
1. Planning my wedding
2. Knitting/Crocheting/Crafting
Mike and I have some leads for the we just need some $$ to make things happen. Anyone care to donate? Any offers over, say, $100 guarantees an invite! Haha, that's a good deal, right??? (seriously...I have a PayPal account if anyone wants to take me up on it! Haha.)
As for the knitting etc., unfortunately that costs money, too. Thanks to my parents, though, for sending me all of my mom's yarn that she doesn't use. Some of it is being turned into a sweater for Mike right now. I must say that I'm pretty happy with it so far, too. Especially since it's my first big knitting project! I'm sure all the rest of the donated yarn will come in handy and keep me occupied, too, while I stay out here in MA without a job. :\ I really wish I could get a job. It would help with the boredom factor AND fund the wedding and the knitting. But alas, I am going home to MI for a month starting June 13 which means I am unhirable at the moment. Oh well, I'd rather be hanging with my fam anyway. I don't see them all that often anymore.
Well, Happy Trails...
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