Saturday, June 18, 2005

I seem to be posting less frequently...

Hi all. I'm home in Michigan right now. Have been since...June 13, well, practically the 14th really since I got in so late. It's pretty cool to be here. I have a lot of siblings to visit and catch up with. :) The two youngest (Laura and Nick) are still at home. My days with them have been filled with video games and board games. Let me just say that I've played a lot of WarioWare already. It's all good, though. Laura and I have also pulled out some old favorites--a couple of the Mario Parties for N64. Haha, the best blast from the past by far, though, is the old board game Mall Madness. It's copyrighted 1990. Even my older brother got in on that one surprisingly enough. Of course, he might not like me telling everyone that, but oh well. We all just like to goof around and have fun together (often while doing stupid things). We also played a rousing game of Pictionary with some modified new rules a la me. Our faces all hurt by the end of it. I love when that happens. :)

I've also been out to Lucy's new apartment with her fiance, Hassan. I'm jealous. It's much nicer than what Mike and I have. I am completely envious of all of her closet space, not to mention the fact that some of them are still empty!!! Also, she has really comfortable couches instead of a crappy old dorm room futon and a super secondhand loveseat. :( One day I will have a house I can decorate with things I actually would want in my home.

I haven't seen Mary and Andy yet, but they will be over tomorrow. The whole fam is gathering for Father's Day. It should be nice. We always end up having fun.

Haha, on a bit of a back-tracking sidenote, Lucy and I went to buy the new Backstreet Boys CD when it came out last Tuesday. Good stuff. Even though this may lessen what some of you think of me, I have to say I was very excited to be buying it. I like it a lot and hope to see them in concert this summer. Lucy and I were talking about that and I received an email update today of their tour schedule. Too bad tickets are close to $60 each. Ugh. Unfortunately that might mean that we won't be going. Damn. I'll just have to pull out all of my old BSB VHS's instead. Oh man, good times. Haha.

Anyway, that's all for now. More to come another day.

Happy Trails...


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