Thursday, February 17, 2005

Moving Right Along

Yay for last day's before long weekends! As we all know, President's Day is on Monday and for just about everyone with a job or school, that means a day off. The last day before breaks like this usually drag, but not today. Maybe it has something to do with the quick start I had this morning...

I woke up at my usual Thursday time--about 6:30. Yes, that's AM. Showered, dressed for the day, and headed down my three flights of stairs to get to my 8 o'clock class on time. Outside on the porch all it took was one step. Bump, bump, bump, THUD! That was me. Falling down icy steps. Not fun. It hurt. :( My poor bum. It knocked the wind out of me, so I just sat there on the last step for a minute in pain and shock. My landlady, who lives on the first floor, heard the noise and looked outside to see what happened. Funny thing is, this is the first I've met her. She's just lucky I'm ok and I'm not the type to sue! I am a little sore, though. My butt and my back are a little achy. Could the fall have jostled my brain at all? My head feels kinda funny, too. She didn't salt the steps because she didn't think it was going to go below freezing last night. Well, I can't be entirely upset with her. It was an honest mistake. The ice on the steps was so thin that it just looked wet from yesterday's rain. But moving right along...

I got to my 8 o'clock 15 minutes late. Not bad really. Took a few notes. Went to Spanish. Took a few notes. Aced my quiz from Tuesday. (I have excellent short term memory if I cram moments before.) Now I am in the library. Two more classes--one of discussion, one that's a test. I'm happy about the test, though. Want to know why? No, I am not prepared. I did make note cards last night, but I haven't read them yet. A test means getting out early from class. And starting my weekend sooner. :) Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and, because of the adjusted school schedule, most of Tuesday as well. Bring it on baby!

Happy Trails...


Blogger Amy said...

Aww...Thanks for commenting! A little encouragement can go a long way. :) As for the font suggestion, I was kind of thinking the same thing, so it's good to get a little feedback about that, too!

4:09 PM  

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